15 Ways to Donate to Charity When You Don't Have Cash to Give

Monday, September 3, 2012

Look around and you'll see another "Donate Here" button at every turn. Look around and you'll see people who need your donations now more than ever. Desperately. And there will be more appeals for your dollars in the coming months as the holiday decorations go up, and snowflake magic begins to fill the air. As we start to think about giving gifts to our loved ones, we also begin to think about giving to others who have less.

I consider myself among the lucky. I am not in desperate need of food, clothing or shelter. I even live in a house and drive a vehicle. And my husband's salary can support three children. We are so very far from destitute.

Even so, with our middle-class income we are barely making ends meet each month.
And we just don't have the donation dollars to give to the many worthy causes out there.

This isn't really a discussion about our budget priorities, but rather, an examination of the fact that there are ways you and I can help that don't necessitate cash. 

Here are 15 of those ways that I plan to help someone who is living without the essentials and hope to encourage others to do the same.

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15 Ways to Donate to Charity When You Don't Have Cash to Give

  1. Sew a bag for someone who has nothing to hold the many things they carry
  2. Knit a hat for someone whose head is cold
  3. Give fabric, thread, or ribbon to a charity making and giving blankets to individuals who are sick
  4. Give an item you've made for your Etsy shop to a blogger holding a fundraising auction
  5. Make a quilt for a senior citizen in need of some warmth
  6. Send a Tweet and spread the word about a charity you support
  7. Personalize a Facebook post about a charity and encourage your friends to check it out
  8. Write a blog post about someone's fundraiser and why you personally support their cause
  9. Lend a hand for an hour and give the work of your legs and arms to a worthy cause needing your labor
  10. Make double and give one -- make two lasagnas and give one to the family who just came home from the hospital
  11. Bake something to sell to co-workers and give the proceeds charity
  12. Write a testimonial about how someone reached out to you in your time of need and suggest others give of themselves to help another person like you
  13. Connect your charity to someone you know who has the talent or the finances to help
  14. Ask someone who does have money to donate a dollar to your charity
  15. Say a prayer. Ask for God's divine mercy and love to help you and others make this world a better place.
Some of these options do require materials that could cost money. Some may only necessitate what you already own. Take the step. Do something. Someone will appreciate your efforts.
Maybe if we all begin to give from our hearts, instead of simply from our pockets, many more of the world's problems can be solved.
What other ways do you help your community without donating cash?

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Thank you for visiting! Hugs and prayers ~ Abbie


Anonymous said...

we need more people like you...keep up the great work.
Charitable Online Giving

Abbie said...

Thank you. This means more to me than you know.

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